Our industrial drones use thermal imaging technology for smarter, safer, and more cost-efficient inspections. Use hotspot data for better outage planning. Read More
How Fan Testing Can Help Pulp & Paper Mills Hit Their KPIs
Focusing on the entire system allows our fan testing service to help drive efficiency and reach KPIs. Read More
Simple & Affordable Ways Your Plant Can Satisfy Emissions Compliance
We recently interviewed Ivan Sretenovic, one of our air pollution control experts, to explore his recommendations for managing regulatory compliance efficiently and effectively. We discussed compliance opportunities related to fans, precipitators, and long-term project planning. Read More
How Much Downtime Can You Afford?
Calculating how much downtime you can afford helps determine the actions your plant needs to take before the unexpected outage occurs. Outside of scheduled downtime, how many unplanned hours offline can your plant take without breaking a sweat? Read More
Benefits of Industrial Efficiency Programs for Your Plant
Could your plant benefit from increased productivity, reduced emissions, and new profit opportunities? Industrial efficiency programs take an innovative approach to combating the issues that prohibit your plant from reaching optimal production levels. Read More
5 Things That Will Affect Your Pulp & Paper Mill’s Bottomline
The paper and pulp industry is one of the largest industries globally, and the United States remains the second-largest producer, with more than 70 million tons of paper and board produced every year. In this market, it has become increasingly vital for pulp and paper mills to continually find ways to lower costs and remain profitable as they meet demand. Read More
The Importance of Efficient Mechanical Dust Collectors
Over the last several decades, mechanical dust collectors have evolved from air pollution control devices into a reliable, low-maintenance means of erosion protection for downstream system equipment. They are an increasingly important part of your steel mill’s air handling systems. Read More
5 Mistakes to Avoid in Preparing for Your Next Outage
There are only two seasons when managing a manufacturing facility— outage season and planning-your-outage season. Planning your outage sets the stage for a safe and efficient outage and establishes an optimized production environment. Read More