Back in June of 2017, ProcessBarron toured the Alabama State Port Authority’s (ASPA) terminals at the Port of Mobile. Our purposes were to ascertain whether Process could utilize the port when shipping to South America, the Caribbean, and Central America, and whether we could be an equipment/service provider at their McDuffie Coal terminals.
We started our tour at the expansive container area where ships load and unload. At the time of our visit, the port had just acquired two new super post-Panamax ships to shore cranes – so impressive! ProcessBarron Shipping Manager, Kevin Williamson, commented that he was very impressed with the operational aspect — specifically, the use of integrated technology to increase efficiencies and effective customer service.
The container terminal operator and ASPA’s partner, APM Terminals, are able to manage rapid turn times for both truck and rail carriers as well as for ships returned back out to sea. We were all amazed at not only how much the port had grown, but also with the expansion plans to accommodate expected growth in the near future. Our guide, Parrish Lawler, was very knowledgeable and provided the team a great deal of information to take away for our decision making, as Process Equipment, Inc. tries to put plans in place to utilize the port.
To learn more about the port and opportunities to utilize the State-provided credits, visit: and
Attendees: David Cantu, Kevin Williamson, and Cynthia Parker.