Pulp and paper experts in Sweden are set on creating new bio-based products from the waste generated in pulp and paper mills. Pulp and Paper Waste Doesn’t Have to Go to Waste Raw materials used in many industries are often expensive and in high demand. By using the by-product of… Read More
ProcessBarron Plays Part in Saving a Manitoba Pulp and Paper Mill from Closure
In the final months of 2016, a pulp and paper mill in The Pas, Manitoba, Canada was set to permanently close, eliminating 332 jobs at the flip of a switch. Business was not only dwindling but plummeting as the mill recorded zero paper orders in November of that year. Around… Read More
2019 Projections: Pulp and Paper Industry Market Growth
The pulp and paper industry dominates in North America, Northern Europe and East Asian countries. In 2019, industry leaders will be pressed to innovate as the market shifts. While many may think that, in our increasingly digital world, the pulp and paper industry is dying, reality tells the opposite story—the… Read More
The Latest in Pulp and Paper News
The pulp and paper industry is moving into 2019, and there have been a lot of interesting developments to emerge from field. Here’s an overview of what’s happening in the pulp and paper industry and how it could impact businesses moving forward. Demand for Hardwood Fiber Drops While Demand for… Read More
Pulp Markets Quarter One Figures
The first quarter of 2018 proved to be a record setting period for the international pulp markets. Wood Resource Quarterly is reporting that the Global Softwood Fiber Price Index, or SFPI, has risen by 3.4% from the previous quarter. Also, the WRQ has reported that all 20 regions (except for… Read More
Pulp & Paper Mill Air Handling Efficiency: Cost-Effective Solutions
While it’s true that the twentieth century boasts many integrated pulp and paper mills that are mostly self-sufficient and operating properly, most of the air handling systems on their boilers and kilns are not efficient. This could be due to the fact that they are a part of the original… Read More