Dust Collector Tubes

Mechanical Dust Collector Tube Sizes

ProcessBarron offers four different mechanical dust collector inlet tube sizes: 9”, 11.5”, 14” and 24”.  This wide selection is important because our application engineers know that “one size does NOT fit all” in real world applications. A general “rule of thumb” breakdown of where to use the smallest and largest size inlet tubes is listed below:

9” Tube Size

  • When a large percentage of the particulate is 10 micron and smaller in size
  • When the fuel being burned does not have a tendency to plug, or is not sticky
  • When the particulate loading is not excessively high
  • When the air volume is 100,000 ACFM or less
  • When the collector depth requirement does not exceed 8 rows on a STD design, or 15 rows on an AU design

24” Tube Size

  • When a large percentage of the particulate is 15 microns and greater in size
  • When the fuel being burned is sticky
  • When the volume of particulate is high
  • When the air volume is 100,000 ACFM or greater

Dust Collection Tubing Construction & Arrangement

Our smaller, 9” and 11.5”, inlet tubes/guide vanes are cast out of 400 BHN (White Iron) material. The large diameter 14” and 24” sizes feature cast iron pipe inlet and outlet tubes, and guide vanes cast out of 400 BHN material. All poured castings are available in 550 BHN (Ni-Hard) material, when required for extremely abrasive applications. ProcessBarron maintains a large, in-house stock of all of dust collector tubing sizes for rapid replacement availability.

ProcessBarron offers both totally accessible (AU) and limited access (STD) mechanical dust collector arrangements. The advantages listed below are important when determining which is best for a particular application.

Accessible Unit (AU) Design
AU dust collector 2

  • Alleyways are included between the rows of tubes that provide easy access for inspection, maintenance, and future repair of any internal parts
  • Lower air velocities reduce the wear on internal parts
  • Greater flexibility with the casing arrangement on width and depth, which can provide a better fit in the spacing that is allowed
  • Hopper re-circulation problems are reduced by having no internal pressure differential that is common with STD arrangements
  • Better overall performance through the internal arrangement providing a balanced flow to all of the tube assemblies

Limited Access (STD) Design
STD dust collector

  • Uses the least amount of space
  • Has a lower initial cost
  • Has a lower unit weight, which requires smaller support steel and less lagging